Česká národopisná společnost

Ethical and publishing rules

Statement of the editors of the Národopisný věstník (Ethnographic Journal) about compliance with ethical principles of publishing

The Czech Ethnological Society in the role of published of the professional periodical Národopisný věstník [Ethnographic Journal] requires from authors wising their contributions to be published in the journal compliance with basic ethical principles related to the publication. The editorial office only accepts original texts resulting from research or documentation. The office only accepts contributions not yet published in printed or electronic format. Publication elsewhere should not even be scheduled for the review period of our journal. Non-original contributions will be rejected by the editorial office without review. Texts sent by their authors for review to more periodicals at the same time may be rejected too.

In compliance with the Ethical Code of the Czech Ethnological Society and other rules of ethics (Publishing Ethics Resource Kit /PERK/ of Elsevier, Ethics in research and publication, Code of Conduct of COPE) the editorial office of the Národopisný věstník journal recommends to the authors to
-    publish their contributions in the spirit of critical research with the aim to extend the current scientific knowledge, publish true and authentic data and research results processed in the top professional standard, and comply with the principles of scientific publication including explicit references to relevant published literature, in compliance with the correct quotation style and standards specified by the editors of the Národopisný věstník, and observing the ban of plagiarism.

All authors must substantially contribute to the research the results of which they intend to publish. Existence of authors substantially contributing to the published research but not explicitly mentioned in the publication, or on the other hand authors mentioned but in fact not involved in the particular research, is considered violation of the publication ethics and practice.
The authors are required to comply with the ethical approach to the subjects of the research including efforts to obtain consent of the subjects of the research with publication of the research results, consideration of circumstances that might negatively affect the subjects of the research after publication of the research results, and reduction of these potential effects, for example by making the research results anonymous. It is recommended to emphasize the contribution of the research subjects to the overall result published, in the case of their consent with listing of their names.

The text of the submitted contribution must include the home institute of the author, and is recommended to include clear specifications of the relationship and liabilities towards the employer assigning the research to the author including basic data of the employer, plus names of all collaborators, students and volunteers in the sequence of their share in the published result and with clear specification of their roles in the research, or in the alphabetical order in the case of identical contributions of more participants. The authors should guarantee having obtained permissions to use the copyright protected materials used by them.

Texts declared to be studies are subject to the review liability. The review involves anonymous assessment of the contribution by two opponents. The selection of the reviewer (domestic or foreign) is based on the theme of the text to be assessed and specialisation of the reviewer. Persons excluded from the review include experts from the author’s site, members of the editorial office of the Národopisný věstník journal or persons that might be in any potential conflict of interest in relation to the reviewed text or its author. The review is confidential, the editors are bound to protect anonymity of the reviewers as well as the authors during the review proceeding. All reviews must be objective, without personal criticism of the authors, which is considered inappropriate. On the basis of recommendations of the opponents the manuscript is accepted for publication, returned to the author for rewriting or rejected completely. In the case of contradictory opinions of the two reviewers a third review is commissioned. In the case of continuing doubt the final decision is taken by the editorial board of the journal. Acceptance of objections of the reviewers and formal standards required by the editorial board conditions publication of all texts. Contributions not meeting the abovementioned formal aspects may be rejected by the editors even without review.

The editors of the Národopisný věstník journal are prepared to follow and assure compliance with all aspects of publication ethics and operatively communicate with the authors / reviewers / readers in cases of potential errors in the published texts or suspected violation of publication ethics and practice (complaints concerning authorship, plagiarism, data falsification, breach of research standards, presentation of fake research results etc.). In the case of need the editorial office is prepared to publish corrections, explanations, notifications of text withdrawals or apologies.
The editor and the publisher are bound by the liability to take all necessary steps to assure continuous professional quality of the published texts. Potential issues are discussed at the meetings of the collective authority of the publisher, the Editorial Board of the Národopisný věstník journal.



The contributions published in the Ethnographic Journal come under the Creative Commons licence: Attribution-Not commercial-Not derivs 3.0 Czech Republic (CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 CZ). The summary and full text of the licence agreement can be retrieved from:
However, other works used in a number do not come under this licence.

Naposledy změněno pátek, 18 březen 2022 18:46

Česká národopisná společnost, z. s.
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